A Better Presenter

Five Essential Ways To Become A Better Presenter

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Author:  Jones Loflin

If you’re struggling as a presenter, or are new to the field, here are some ideas that I’ve incorporated in my 28 years as a keynote speaker/presenter.  Feel free to check them out and see if any can help you along the way!


1) Know your audience better than they know themselves

  • What does a typical day look like for them?
  • How are current local/state/national events affecting them?
  • What are the concerns about their business/personal life that keep them up at night?
  • What are the “hot button” issues in their industry?
  • What language/ideas/discussions would be a turn off to them?
  • What’s changed in their world/industry in the past year? The past week?
  • What types of activities would best engage them in a presentation?
  • Who else is speaking at the conference or event? What is the focus of their presentation(s)?
  • What problem can I help them solve?
  • What do I want them to say about the presentation 30 days from now?

Five Essential Ways To Become A Better Presenter

2) Make it easy for your audience to listen to you

  • Does your personal appearance distract from your words?
  • Does your environment limit their ability to listen?
  • Are they in a physical, mental, and emotional state to best receive your words?


3) Use the Rule Of 3

  • Keep your number of points to 3
  • Tell them the points up front
  • Remind them of the points at the end


4) Embrace the power of questions… and silence!

  • Ask thought-provoking questions to get them thinking about the topic or point
  • Silence is a sign that people are processing what you said


5) Practice

  • Use any conversation to practice your technique



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