Listing FAQ's

plan 1

Create & Editing Listings

Click on “More” tab

  • Select a package
    • Choose from 1 to 3 profiles
  • Next section – select which type to list profile under
    • Speaker
    • Conference MC
    • Entertainer
    • Trainer
    • Conference Venue
    • Accommodation
    • Supplier
  • Once selected you are taken to create your profile

The only required fields to complete at this stage are:

  • Title – Name
  • Bio – enter a short bio

Click “Submit and follow instruction to paypal

On completion you can then edit your profile from your DASHBOARD under MY PROFILES

On your Dashboard – click MY PROFILES

Here you will find your profile listed and simply click “EDIT”

  • Complete all the fields with the information you have
  • Select – TAGS which are important for search engine in the app.
    • If there is not a tag available for you please contact us below and we will create this tag simply for you to add


Paid subscriber listings will be found across all search parameters.

  • Tags
  • Currency
  • Live
  • Virtual
  • Country
  • By Name
  • Proximity

You can load 2 videos from your you tube or vimeo account by simply copying the URL of your video and pasting into the relevant box (paid listings only).


  • Only 1 video allowed for NO PACKAGE listings
  • NO video testimonials allowed on NO package listings


Here you can load as many images as you want to a total size of 128mb. (Paid listings only).

NO PACKAGE Listings can only load 2 x image

Accepted formats are 

  • JPG
  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • WEBP

This section includes a built in map. Simply enter your hometown/state or province

For security reasons we recommend that you do not put your actual physical address.



Cover Image:

  • Ideally you want your image in the centre 
  • Size 1000 x 600 pxCover Image size for Profile on WeSpeak

Insert your own company or branded Logo for paid listings only.

  • Logo in centre of image
  • Size 452 x 452px
  • Example belowspeakers inc app holder 1

Only available to subscribed listings.

  1. List 3 top Keynotes
  2. Detail synopsis of each
  3. Take-Away messages
  4. List ideal clients and who should attend

State your rates both locally and internationally

  • Live Keynote Rate
  • Virtual Rate
  • Training 
  • Emcee Rates

Here you can load a maximum of 7 x  PDF files (paid listings only) Total size allowed for all 128mb

  • Bio
  • Tech Requirements
  • Rate Card
  • Intro for MC or such
  • Media Kit

You can insert your direct links to your social media accounts with a silver listing only.

The calendar is created and assigned once your submitted profile is approved by a moderator.

There is a pre-built inquiry form within each calendar that is individually created.

  • Basic & Essential profiles all inquiries are directed to WeSpeak and a 10-20% commission fee charged off booking rate.
  • Paid listings receive all enquiries directly to their registered email address on WeSpeak – No commission or fees apply
  • No package listings are managed by WeSpeak and 35% commissions taken.

You can edit and find your own calendar once assigned under the “MORE” tab – My Calendar ). This is only available to paid listings.

To Block a date:

  • Click on “Custom Time Slots”
    • Click “Add Date/s” tab
    • Enter start and end date
    • Clcik – DISABLE
    • Click “SAVE”
  • Another option to block dates
    • Under My Calendar
    • Click on “Enquiries” tab
    • This will show your calendar
    • Click individual dates
      • Click “Disable” button as required per day or time slot
  • Edit your calendar settings
    • Click settings whilst in “My Calendar”
    • Time Slots Tab
      • Choose your own time slots
    • Custom Fields Tab
      • Edit your own enquiry form
      • Include your keynote/mc slots available
        • First add a “Checkbox”
        • State heading – Keynote Topics
        • Add checkbox in that field – enter topic
        • 1 topic per line
      • Add or edit paragraph text box e.g. please provide more details of your requirements
      • Finally add a “Text Field”
        • Make it required
        • Contact Number

Most of this will be pre-filled on assigment

You will find all pending enquiries received under “Your Calendar” (silver listings).

  • Here you can approve once it is confirmed – click approve
    • System will automatically block out date/time slot in your calendar
    • You will receive via email a reminder of the enquiry
      • 1 Week prior to event
      • 2 days prior to event
      • On Day of event
    • Reject enquiry received if cancelled or not confirmed
  • The enquiry you received will include:
    • Email address and telephone number of company/person
    • Keynote topic etc as required
    • Further information they provide

Reviews are important for social proof of events confirmed and completed.

  • A confirmed booking on completion will be asked to submit a review and star rating (1-5)
  • Moderator from WeSpeak Admin will approve all reviews to avoid spam
  • Potential clients can review these on viewing
  • Reviews are also important for search engine within app
    • More reviews = a higher visibility result on tag searches
  • NO reviews on cancelled subscriptions
  • To be ranked higher then get those reviews.
Though creating a WeSpeak profile will not guarantee that you will instantaneously receive speaking opportunities, the platform is a tool for you to use to showcase your speaker persona and speaking experience. 
By featuring your WeSpeak profile link in your email signature and on your social media profiles, you can promote your speaking expertise and build your network. 
We also work on attracting more event planners to WeSpeak so they can find your profile and get in touch with you if your topics and expertise match what they are looking for.

Our prices are in USD, but given PayPal online payment processing system, you can use any international credit card to make payments.

When a client/booker adds a testimonial about you, we do a basic check if it meets our Terms of use and publish it on your profile.

To get a ‘verified’ badge next to the testimonial, the client/booker must provide the reviewer’s business email (cannot be Gmail, Hotmail or similar) and they must confirm that they in fact endorsed the speaker in question.

Clients can upload a logo or image related to review on submission.

Cancelling the subscription/upgrade/payment means the account remains intact but you lose access to certain features (such as the display of video/location/PDF downloads, social links etc on the speaker profile, but even these media contents remain in the account, they just don’t show up on the public profile page without being upgraded).


ALL reviews are immediately deleted.

Organizers can be companies looking for speakers or workshop trainers for their corporate events, conference organizers seeking your expertise, global events lining up presenters on business, medical, IT or any other topic, schools and universities looking for volunteer speakers for their students, or any other event manager who wants to have someone with expertise and great speaking skills.

On-Demand Video | Book Store



Event Planners | Agencies

Click on “More” tab

  • Add a Profile
  • Select Event Planners
    • No Fee for planners to create profile
  • Once selected you are taken to create your profile
  • Complete the boxes

The only required fields to complete at this stage are:

  • Title – Name
  • Bio – enter a short bio

Click “Submit”

On completion you can then edit your profile from your DASHBOARD under MY PROFILES

Yes, if you manage speakers exclusively then you can choose their profile from the Exclusive Speakers tab when creating agency profile.

All your speaker profiles will have your agency logo on their profile and a link back to your agency.

List up to 10 exclusive speakers at no cost

Absolutely! We welcome agencies to list their speakers, the only difference being that the contact email will be that of the agency, not the speaker.
As we have no intention to cut agencies out of any transaction and since WeSpeak is a one-stop-shop speaker resource, agencies would get extra visibility for their speakers, trainers or moderators without any risk to their core business. If you’d like to discuss special arrangements or have specific feature requests, just contact us and we’re happy to discuss.
The stat​istics track individual IP​ addresses only, and there is a limitation of the session to time to 12 hours. This means in practice that if you look at a speaker’s profile multiple times in a 12-hour period, it will only count as one view.
If you check it again beyond this time frame, it will be counted as a new view.
Yes, this is easy to do. When you are on the speaker’s profile, you will see a “heart” button in the head bar, in their profile. If you select this button, the speaker will get added to your “Bookmarks” list.

To see all the speakers who you’ve selected and added to your “Bookmarks” list, just go to the main Dashboard and click “Bookmarks” 

No longer want a speaker to be a favorite? Unselect the “heart” button and the speaker will be removed from your list.

On your dashboard click the “Pitches” tab, then select “Create an event” from the drop down list.

This is a free service for planners/organisers once your account is registered and verified.

Complete the details and click submit.

Once the details have been received your event will be approved and listed to the Pitching Board

Watch video – How to submit an event

This is only available to memberships from the talent. 

They can view any of the pitching board events and submit an application directly to the event. 

Your contact details are embedded into each event calendar form submitted and the talent will respond directly to you.

You can then respond to the talent as required and book them for your event.

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